Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Atem Nitzavim: A Yom Kippur Ode

"Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem lifnei Adonai Eloheichem"

"You stand this day, all of you, before the Eternal One your God"

Atem nitzavim…

You stand up to show respect to others and in a place of worship to show respect to God.  You stand up to recite certain prayers and confessions, as a physical expression of a cognitive process.  You stand up at other times to begin a journey, in fact, you start every day by standing up.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand before God, standing in prayer, standing together as a community, standing as an individual, standing still, just being you.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand… things in certain places, making decisions about your homes and the objects that are important to you, creating comfort and beauty, creating a sacred space for people to come together by standing the furniture in the right places.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand intact and continue to be a community.  The principles by which you live still stand and will continue to remain effective as you enter a new year of goals and struggles, pressures and successes.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand six feet tall – or 5'5" or 6'2".  You have a standing in your family, in your place of work or study and among your friends.

Atem Nitzavim…

You stand to progress in your endeavours, you stand to succeed and you stand to fail sometimes too - then you will stand corrected and stand to learn from your mistakes.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand still sometimes because you are left to stand, undisturbed, stuck.  You stand stagnant like this until you find the motivation to move forward from within or from a supporting friend.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand for office, for positions in the community, for positions at work, at school or in other groups that form a part of your life and in which to wish to be in the standing for a leadership role.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand guard when those around you need protecting and you stand well other tasks when you fulfill them to the best of your ability.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand up to examination and you stand the test of time.  You stand things that you thought you could not stand because you have to - you put up, bear, tolerate – and at the end, you stand a good night's sleep!

Atem nitzavim…

You stand firmly by your decisions, standing your ground when something has to be done and taking a stand against that which is wrong with the world.  You stand up for your rights and for the rights of others.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand by, ready to act, available to serve a purpose.  Other times, you stand by while others take responsibility and you look on as a bystander.  Perhaps, you stand by when you should stand up!

Atem nitzavim…

You stand by your friends and family, supporting them through difficult times, speaking out on their behalf, being there for them on stand-by.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand for your points of view, advocating them among your close circles or even publicly.  You stand for your beliefs and principles, representing them and demonstrating them in your way of life.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand down when the burdens of responsibility are too much and you need remove yourself from a situation, go off duty, take a break, withdraw from the centre of things for a while.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand in for your loved-ones or your colleagues when they cannot carry out a task.  You stand in for them out of love or commitment or a sense of duty.  You stand in for them because you know they would stand in for you.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand out when your outfit speaks volumes about your personality.  You stand out when you go against the crowd, following your principles rather than current trends.  You stand out when you can no longer hold it in!

Atem nitzavim…

You stand off when you need to protect yourself, keeping your distance, taking your time.  You may appear stand-offish but you know you need that space right now.

Atem nitzavim…

You stand up for others when you feel they cannot stand up for themselves.  You stand up to others when you feel their behaviour is unacceptable and it is about time someone took a stand.

"Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem lifnei Adonai Eloheichem"

"You stand this day all of you before the Eternal One your God"

It's not as easy as it sounds!

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