Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Story of Channukah

When the land of Israel was under King Antiochus
The rules that he made would really have shocked us!
Everyone single person had to live just like a Greek,
Worshipping Greek gods and working the whole week.

The Jews that were living in this part of Ancient Greece
Decided it was better if they just kept the peace:
“It couldn’t really hurt if we just work on Shabbes,
We don’t want all the Greeks to turn around and snub us!”

Mattathias was a Jew and he had five pious sons.
He didn’t like the way the Greeks treated everyone.
His sons were Yochanan and Yonatan and Shimon making three,
Plus Elazar and finally there was Judah the Maccabee.

Judah said, “Those rotten Greeks, I’ve really had enough
Of Moussaka and Tragedies and all that other stuff.
Who wants to come and fight with me for our right to be Jews?
If we all pray throughout the night, we surely will not lose!”

The Jewish army was quite small but had God on their side;
The Greeks took one look at them and ran away to hide.
So everyone gave a cheer for Judah and his kin
Then ran towards Jerusalem to celebrate their win!

On entering Jerusalem the soldiers caught a fright;
The city had been burnt and was a very sorry sight.
The temple was in ruins and everything had gone
So they set about to clean it, they scrubbed until it shone.

The Jews rebuilt the altar in the Temple straight away
And to celebrate their victory declared a big feast day.
But they couldn’t find the oil to light up the menorah
That stood in the temple as commanded in the Torah.  

On the twenty fifth of Kislev a pot made out of clay
Was found with enough oil inside to last for just one day.
But a miracle occurred, the miracle of lights;
The oil lasted eight whole days and eight whole happy nights!