Honey is perhaps the original superfood. Mesolithic rock paintings in Spain that are thought to be over 10,000 years old show women collecting honey from a wild bee nest. Since then, in every part of the world, people have kept bees, collecting their honey and using its delicious natural sweetness in baking and cooking, in drinks and deserts and, of course, drizzled on apples."The only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey....and the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it." (Winnie the Pooh in 'The House at Pooh Corner')
For nearly 3,000 years, honey has been used for its medicinal qualities; as an antiseptic for cuts and burns; as an antibiotic for infections and sore throats; as an antiallergenic for pollen-related hayfever; and more recently, as an antioxidant for boosting the body's defenses against serious illness. Certain varieties, like New Zealand Manuka Honey, have become incredibly popular in recent years as an all-round healing miracle food.